I am a big fan and proponent of prints. The most stable form of any image is a well-made print. It will be around for hundreds of years. I have a couple thirty year old prints on my wall that still look good. I have a twenty year old print that was produced by my own lab and has been on continuous display. It looks great, vivid.
You can’t say that about digital files or even color negatives. Yes, a properly produced gold archival cd is claimed to be good for 300 years but no one has ever actually left one on the shelf for more than a couple decades. The 300 year claim is based on accelerated aging tests in a lab. Some of the tests are done by a lab run by someone that I know and trust, but?
The real test is if you open a drawer or box and find an old print, it is obvious what it is. I have black and white prints from my family that are more than a hundred years old and look great. Old color prints are a little more questionable. The oldest color prints I have are from the fifties, sixty years old. They are not real good. I have twenty to forty year old prints that look good. The difference is an improvement in materials and the standards of the lab that produced them. Using the better materials available today, a well-made color print should look good for a couple hundred years.
If you find an old CD or DVD are you going to open it to find what’s on it? If you find an old hard drive will you be able to boot it up? There will be services available to open and copy into modern forms old CDs and DVDs, just as there are places to copy old film and magnetic tape. If someone goes to the trouble. When you see a print you know what it is.
I am in the business of producing family heirlooms. Images may be displayed on a digital frame or social media for a short time but they won’t be there in a hundred years. The prints will be.