Walter, the Video

In a future post I will go over this sitting step by step.  I could spend a lot of time going over this (or any other) video but for now I want to use it to show  how I work.  These are the main points.

  • I pose the children on a table, not the floor.
  • I use a tripod.
  • I use a remote release for the camera.
  • I do not use an assistant to pose or get expressions.
  • I avoid having other people behind the camera.

I can and have been known to change any or all of these points but Continue reading “Walter, the Video”

We Have Video

I have started a YouTube channel, Children’s Portraiture.   This should be a big aid in understanding the descriptions of what I do that I give in this blog.  Also, the blog will allow me to describe in greater detail what you are seeing in the video.

This link will take you directly to the channel.

The welcome video has a compilation of short clips from three Continue reading “We Have Video”